Unit #13 & #14 - 76 Main Street West, Grimsby, ON L3M 1R6


Meals & Snacks

All snacks and meals will be catered by United Kids Academy according to the diversified menu posted. Any food allergies or dietary concerns will be adhered to strictly, please note any posting of allergies of other children so that if you ever send food with your child that you can adhere to them as well. Parents of children with dietary concerns/allergies may be required to provide supplemental food and/or drink for their child if it is not feasible to supply appropriate foods and/or drinks (i.e., if your child is vegetarian, you must provide some protein portions of their meals). Any snacks or meals provided from home Must be labelled with the child’s name on it. Children with dietary restrictions, parents will be asked to provide meals from home which abide by United Kids Academy allergy list.

Throughout the day water drinks are available for the children as needed. At all times during drinking and eating, children are required to be seated and not engaged in any play activity. This is to ensure safety (to avoid choking) and to promote healthy eating/drinking habits. Under no circumstances will young children be allowed to walk around or play with bottles in their mouths. Pacifiers are encouraged for use at nap time only (unless concerns are raised by parents or accommodations need to be made for certain children) and if your child requires a bottle at nap, it will be given to him or her before they get into bed. Under no circumstances will children be allowed to go to sleep with bottles in bed. This is also to ensure safety (prevent choking) and to prevent dental problems.


Unit #13 & #14 - 76 Main Street West
Grimsby, ON L3M 1R6

T: 905-309-0182
E: Email Us